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The Law Now is Mandatory to Ensure Muslim Have Better Access to Halal Consumables
Indonesia has a large population of Muslims. One would assume that it has a vast and saturated Halal market given the religious belief. It would be surprising to know that Indonesia still has a considerable Halal market share available for takers. The Halal certification became mandatory just recently, and businesses involved in the production of consumables are rushing to get certified. Product owners, regardless of restaurants, processing industries which include food and beverage, cosmetics and pharmaceutical, and abattoirs have a specific period to get their product, ingredients and facilities Halal certified. If you are already operating a restaurant, it is best to get on with Halal certifying restaurants in Indonesia.
Halal Asset
Besides the apparent Muslim market in Indonesia, halal certification will be an asset to the business. Let’s say that you have a unique range of cuisine found nowhere else in the world. Your restaurant may have put in place food safety procedures and management. In turn, you are getting enough patrons supporting it. When you go for Halal certification by Indonesian standards, you are opening up an avenue for more new customers. The restaurant may use traditional recipes, but there are Halal substitutes for ingredients. Taste is subjective, yet, think of the possibility of more Muslim consumers becoming your regular customers.
Certifying Conditions
The word Halal is an Arabic term, which means permissible and lawful. Haram is the opposite of Halal. Muslims must seek to consume Halal products and avoid products containing or of Haram sources. Ingredients that are Haram include pork, alcohol, blood, and animal meat slaughtered through non-Sharia conduct. Halal certifying restaurants in Indonesia will consist of seeking to get Halal certifications for the ingredients used. Even if you can verify the traceability of your supplier being Halal, MUI – the governing authority of Halal related matters – will require the supplier to register with them. There are detailed criteria concerning Halal certification, and it is in a document called Halal Assurance System 23000 (HAS 23000). Besides ingredients, products with a name that is inappropriate with Islamic practises are forbidden for sale in Indonesia. If need be, food on the menu will need to be renamed.
Halal Certification Process
The first thing to halal certifying restaurants in Indonesia is to ensure it is in operation. This is essential so that the officers can come and conduct the necessary inspection. Applicants will need to understand all the criteria within HAS 23000 and implement accordingly. The pre-conditioning process may take a while to be done with. After which, the Halal authority may have a better review of the application. Once they have reviewed the application, the necessary onsite audit will take place. When the onsite inspection satisfy the authorities, and it complies with the regulations, your restaurant will be awarded the Halal certification. The Halal certificate is valid for two years with daily monitoring by the personnel in charge, to comply with the compliance audit. There should be a twice a year evaluation as well.