Understanding Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan (WLKP)

Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan (WLKP)“Wajib Lapor Ketenagakerjaan Perusahaan (WLKP)” is an Indonesian term that translates to “Mandatory Company Manpower Report” in English. It refers to a requirement for companies operating in Indonesia to submit regular reports related to their workforce and employment activities to the relevant authorities.

Under Indonesia’s Republic Law No. 7 of 1981, commonly known as the “Mandatory Company Employment Reporting” (WLKP), every corporation must submit a written report whenever they establish, reactivate, alter the company domicile, or dissolve the corporation. This must be accomplished no more than 30 days following a firm’s establishment or reactivation or 30 days before any changes in domicile or dissolution.

The law mandates an annual written report concerning manpower to the relevant Minister or appointed official. The report’s timing should correspond with the month of the firm’s initial report. The report must include the company’s identity, employment relations, labour protection, and job opportunities, among others.

This prerequisite for reporting holds considerable significance for a company’s operation. Any negligence in obeying this obligation might attract dire sanctions. Consequently, the WLKP law aims to ensure transparency and safeguard workers’ rights within companies operating in Indonesia.