Government Optimistic About Indonesia’s Economic Growth in 2021

Government Optimistic About Indonesia’s Economic Growth in 2021

Positive Outlook for Indonesia Economy Despite Social Restrictions The Government is optimistic about Indonesia’s economic growth for 2021 despite the social restrictions in place. The Ministry of Home Affairs remains confident that the country can still achieve the 5% economic growth. This optimism remains intact despite the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) that are imposed in…

Indonesia to Reopen Tourism in Bali to International Visitors

Indonesia to Reopen Tourism in Bali to International Visitors

UNTWO to Reopen Tourism in Bali, Indonesia Across Borders The World Tourism Organization (UNTWO) is ready to welcome international tourists in Bali, Indonesia, after the advanced collaboration with the Indonesian government and the Bali administration. According to the UNTWO Asia and Pacific director, the team had implemented high-grade health protocols devised to reopen tourism in…

Indonesia to Build US$116m Vehicle Test Site to Help Indonesian Automakers Capture the SEA Market

Indonesia to Build US$116m Vehicle Test Site to Help Indonesian Automakers Capture the SEA Market

Indonesia to Build US$116M Vehicle Test Site to Help Indonesian Automakers Capture the SEA Market Aiming to make Indonesian automakers to be more compliant to the competitive standard of the South-East Asian (SEA) market, the Transportation Ministry projected investing 1.64 trillion rupiahs (US$116.5mil) in building a new vehicle test course. It was considered as an…

Government Dispenses Special Tourism Grants to Revive Tourism Industry

Government Dispenses Special Tourism Grants to Revive Tourism Industry

Government Releases Special Tourism Grants to Aid Ailing Sector The Indonesian government has made sure to take care of the tourism industries affected by the pandemic. In October 2020, it released Rp 3.3-trillion worth of special tourism grants to aid the regional governments and businesses rejuvenating the tourism industry. Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Wishnutama…

Government Urges to Guarantee Fair Regulations to Foreign Investors

Government Urges to Guarantee Fair Regulations to Foreign Investors

Indonesia is Encouraged to Have Fair Regulations for Foreign Investors Senior legislator Rachmat Gobel calls for fair regulations for foreign investors to attract more business ventures in Indonesia. By having such, the country can also see improvement in the quality of the investments being approved. Gobel expressed his sentiments toward foreign investors’ regulations after Japanese…