3E Accounting Achieves 80-Country Global Milestone

3E Accounting Achieves 80-Country Global Milestone

3E Accounting International Achieves 80-Country Global Milestone 3E Accounting International was set up to provide affordable professional corporate services to help Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) and startups expand overseas and internationalise.  Today, Singapore-headquartered 3E Accounting International has established a global footprint in more than 80 countries with over 1,450 staff working in 116 offices…

Consultancy.asia: 3E Accounting International Continues Rapid Expansion

Consultancy.asia: 3E Accounting International Continues Rapid Expansion

Consultancy.asia: 3E Accounting International Continues Rapid Expansion – More Than 80 Countries 3E Accounting Founder Lawrence Chai speaks to Global Advisory and Consultancy platform, Consultancy.asia on the rapid expansion of the Singapore-headquartered professional services network and new services recently launched to help clients plug into the digital economy. With a global footprint in more than 80…

Tips for Preparing Income Statements

Tips for Preparing Income Statements

Doing Business in Indonesia: Tips for Preparing Income Statements An Income Statement is one of those 3 major Financial Reports to demonstrate the Financial Performance of a company. The remaining two are the Balance Sheet and Cash Flows. Income Statement is also known as Profit and Loss (P&L). Some people also call it Statement of…

Getting Business Licenses in Indonesia

Getting Business Licenses in Indonesia

How to Apply for the Correct Business Licenses in Indonesia Many Indonesians and foreigners would love the chance to do business in Indonesia because the potential for profit is substantial. However, you have to select the correct business license, depending on the kind of business you are putting up. Your line of business in the…

Outsourcing Accounting: Reasons to Do So

Outsourcing Accounting: Reasons to Do So

Find out Why Business Owners are Outsourcing Accounting Professionals Business owners are always making decisions for their company, based on information at hand and further research. To help them make informed decisions, business owners make sure that their company has a good, effective, and efficient accounting system in place. Accounting refers to the gathering, summarizing,…