5 Board Management Tools for the Company Secretary

5 Board Management Tools for the Company Secretary

Board Management Tools Easing the Duties of Company Secretaries Company secretaries are implementing good corporate governance practices so that businesses they are working for continue to abide by the relevant rules and regulations. In doing so, they are also protecting the interest of both the stakeholders and shareholders of the corporations. Corporate secretaries also have…

Top 5 Accounting Software in Indonesia

Top 5 Accounting Software in Indonesia

Choosing Between the Top 5 Best Accounting Software in Indonesia Every business requires financial management. In fact, it can be very complex for some and for them, having an accounting software is absolutely essential. Accounting software in Indonesia is one of the most important tools to have for any business. When looking for accounting software,…

Steps in Writing Minutes of a Meeting

Steps in Writing Minutes of a Meeting

Indonesia Business Guide: How to Ensure Effective Writing Minutes of a Meeting People conduct meetings, whether it be for business or for nonprofit purposes, for specific reasons. So, it’s important to be knowledgeable about writing minutes of a meeting so that everyone can work towards the same goal. One person usually takes down the minutes…

File System Management for Corporate Secretaries

File System Management for Corporate Secretaries

Creating the Best File System Management for Your Company Companies, regardless of the size of their operations, must always maintain order in all aspects, including handling their documents. Therefore, it is important to put in place effective file system management. Such a system can help the corporate secretaries designate centralized storage for all the documents…

International Accounting Bulletin: 3E Accounting Goes Global

International Accounting Bulletin: 3E Accounting Goes Global

3E Accounting International Featured on International Accounting Bulletin International Accounting Bulletin, the definite trade publication providing trusted content and unique insights on the trends and issues affecting the global accounting industry puts the spotlight on the phenomenal growth of 3E Accounting International which now boasts a global presence in more than 80 countries, with over…

5 Corporate Secretary Myths Debunked

5 Corporate Secretary Myths Debunked

Discussing the Biggest Corporate Secretary Myths and their Truth Many people are not familiar with what a corporate secretary is or what that position entails. Hence, corporate secretary myths crop up. A corporate secretary is actually a very important position in private companies and some public organizations. The corporate secretary is meant to provide support…