Accounting in Restaurant Business

Accounting in Restaurant Business

Making Accounting in Restaurant Business a Priority for Restaurateurs Accounting is about dealing with numerous numbers and what they are telling you. It involves, collection, classification, and analysis, among others, of every financial data in your business. Accounting helps your business know its financial position, so you have an idea of where to go and…

Government Dispenses Special Tourism Grants to Revive Tourism Industry

Government Dispenses Special Tourism Grants to Revive Tourism Industry

Government Releases Special Tourism Grants to Aid Ailing Sector The Indonesian government has made sure to take care of the tourism industries affected by the pandemic. In October 2020, it released Rp 3.3-trillion worth of special tourism grants to aid the regional governments and businesses rejuvenating the tourism industry. Tourism and Creative Economy Minister Wishnutama…

Government Urges to Guarantee Fair Regulations to Foreign Investors

Government Urges to Guarantee Fair Regulations to Foreign Investors

Indonesia is Encouraged to Have Fair Regulations for Foreign Investors Senior legislator Rachmat Gobel calls for fair regulations for foreign investors to attract more business ventures in Indonesia. By having such, the country can also see improvement in the quality of the investments being approved. Gobel expressed his sentiments toward foreign investors’ regulations after Japanese…

Leadership Skills Corporate Secretaries Need

Leadership Skills Corporate Secretaries Need

Choosing the Corporate Secretaries Equipped with the Best Leadership Skills Companies are now seeking the assistance of corporate secretaries for the success of their business. As we all know, their duties are encompassing the whole organization, which makes their role very important. Of course, business owners should look for the corporate secretaries who have the…

Board Meeting Preparation: Basic Concepts

Board Meeting Preparation: Basic Concepts

Knowing the Basics of Board Meeting Preparation for Company Secretaries Company secretaries are increasingly becoming more vital for businesses to run and operate efficiently. While they oversee and implement corporate governance policies, they are also tasked with the board meeting preparation. Doing this job is such a big deal. During these meetings, the board directors…